
don't fool yourself

 photo by tonnash goodyear


I have a love shack in Acapulco where you can mess me up fun time!

Whenever I think of Croydon, I think of crayons (Crayola ones...) and how they taste like wax. I was a troubled child. The above biscuit tin has the contents of two ashtrays, one of which is covered with pictures of tasty crumpet so I always have something to gaup at when I'm getting lean and watching X-files.

Today my mum showed me a picture of tree resembling a bum with a bleeding anus. True story.


Train in Vain

I know, I know, most of you drive around in the bathtub's that mummy and daddy bought (and probably insured) for you, but some of us still actually use trains and get hounded by bastard TI's with something dead up their backsides.  If you are one of those poor souls that rides the train to college/school/work then this:
10 ways to avoid penalty fares should come in handy for dealing with those over-zealous motherfuckers.
